When I started this blog, I promised to share the process of publishing an eBook with you – both the good and the bad. Well, my book Life is But a Dream: On the Lake (Grace Adams Series)
has only been available for purchase through Amazon for about two weeks, and there are already some things I would have done differently. So, as promised, here are the mistakes I have made (so far). I hope you will learn from them.
1. I did not submit the final version of my novel. The version I submitted had a few typos. When I uploaded the novel, I thought I would have one more chance to review the final version before it went live. I did not. It was not until over a week later that I realized I submitted a version that had not been completely proofread. Ugh. Fortunately, Amazon has made it easy to upload a corrected version and I will have that up shortly. But still, as someone who takes pride in a clean manuscript, that mistake was a bit hard for me to swallow. Perhaps a lesson in humility? So – when you submit your manuscript, assume that this is the final copy your readers will read. Be certain that it is your most recent version! Proofread it, and if possible, ask others to proofread it too.
2. I ordered my business cards too soon. I have not received my business cards yet, but they are already out-dated. After my book was accepted as an Amazon eBook for Kindle I was so excited that I put all of that information on my business cards – How to get to the website and even how to upload Kindle for PC and Kindle for Mac if you are using your computer to read your book. Well, since then I found out that I can also submit my book to Barnes and Noble so that readers can read it on the Nook. I then found out that Amazon has a service for publishing your book as a paperback. Now I have 1500 business cards coming that do not make mention of either of those venues. So – determine all of the venues before ordering business cards.
Even with those mistakes, I have to say this has been a really fun experience. I have learned an amazing amount of information about the world of ePublishing, and I have just begun to scratch the surface. Fun!
Cheryl Shireman is the bestselling author of several novels, including Broken Resolutions, the Life is But a Dream series, and the Cooper Moon series. She is also the author of ten books for toddlers including the eight Let’s Learn About series focusing on different animals and I Love You When: For Girls and I Love You When: For Boys.
I want some of your business cards. Please bring them with you when you come to small group. I am having fun today reading your blogs. It feels like we are connecting on another level. This is good. We will continue to learn for the rest of our lives. There is so much out there.