I am thoroughly enjoying my first month as a real life honest to goodness published writer. It is a new time. A tender time of watching and waiting The unfurling and blossoming of a long-held dream. Every sale of my novel, Life is But a Dream, is exciting. Every single sale. Should the novel be successful, my sales will increase rapidly, but right now I am enjoying “the beginning” because it will never be the beginning again. I rejoice over every copy sold and treasure every email I receive from a new reader. These sales will probably always be the most precious to me.
So – here is a report on my sales so far (in order of their appearance on the venue):
- Amazon Kindle – 55 copies in the first month
- Barnes and Noble Nook – 2 copies
- Create Space Paperback – 6 copies (with orders for 12 more)
So – that is a total of 75 copies of my book that have sold in various forms.
Marketing/Promotion venues used in the first month:
- Personal emails to a few friends and family
- Joined Kindleboards and began posting in discussion boards
- Submitted an article to Divine Caroline website which was published
- Made a few posts on Amazon’s discussion boards
Actually, I think the sales have been very good considering the very small amount of promotion I have done. I will be interested in seeing how sales go once the book is available on Amazon in paperback (should be very soon).
Looking forward to seeing what the future holds, but right now, enjoying this moment – this beginning.
Thank you so much to everyone who bought a copy during this first exciting month!
Cheryl Shireman is the bestselling author of several novels, including Broken Resolutions, the Life is But a Dream series, and the Cooper Moon series. She is also the author of ten books for toddlers including the eight Let’s Learn About series focusing on different animals and I Love You When: For Girls and I Love You When: For Boys.
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