Well, it’s been a while since I’ve written a blog post. There are a few reasons for that absence.
- I haven’t been feeling the greatest. But I won’t bore you with the details. Long story short – looks like I am having problems with my thyroid gland. Have had a lot of odd symptoms that I have ignored for a while. Started medication a couple of months ago and starting to feel better. So there is a light at the end of that tunnel.
- Started another website www.indiechickscafe.com and have been working with a great group of women writers to get the website up and running. More news on that soon, but, for now, just go and check it out.
- Best of all – I have been buried in writing. I just finished the first novel in my brand new four-book Cooper Moon series. The first book is entitled Cooper Moon: The Callingand has just been released this weekend. I have released the ebook at an introductory price of 99 cents, so be sure to get yours now! I am also in the middle of proofing the paperback version and it should be released soon. I LOVE this series and I think you will too!
It is the story of Cooper Moon, a handsome womanizer who has found God under some unusual circumstances. Cooper is the last person one might expect to experience such a conversion, and no one is more skeptical of this sudden turn of events than Cooper’s wife, Sally.
Cooper has not only found God, he has also decided to build a church. He faces a few obstacles. He has never read the Bible, he has no money, and he has a well-deserved reputation as a slacker. Throw in a couple of scheming women who aren’t ready to give up sleeping with Cooper, a jealous husband with a grudge, and things begin to get complicated.
Filled with a cast of characters you are sure to love (and hate!), Cooper Moon: The Calling is a story of love, faith, determination, dreams, sin, lust, hope, revenge, and despair – just like real life.
I recently asked my readers to choose a cover for the book on my new Cooper Moon website. Paul Beeley of Create Imaginations designed two covers for me and I just could not decide on one. So, I opened it up for my readers to decide. Hundreds of people voted and the winner won by a 80.5% margin. Here is the article on the winning cover for Cooper Moon. You can also check out a couple of sample chapters on that same site if you would like. Chapter One & Chapter Two
I am currently about midway through writing the second book in the series. I will be updating readers about the writing (and maybe even asking for suggestions on character names for the novels!) on the Cooper Moon website. Be sure to go there and subscribe to the blog if you are interested.
So – back to work. I feel like I’m pushing my “baby” out of the nest. Sure hope that baby can fly!
Looking forward to catching up with all of you!
Cooper Moon: The Calling for 99c – Introductory price!
Cheryl Shireman www.cherylshireman.com
Twitter www.twitter.com/cherylshireman Facebook www.facebook.com/cherylshireman
Cooper Moon website www.coopermoon.com
Cheryl Shireman is the bestselling author of several novels, including Broken Resolutions, the Life is But a Dream series, and the Cooper Moon series. She is also the author of ten books for toddlers including the eight Let’s Learn About series focusing on different animals and I Love You When: For Girls and I Love You When: For Boys.
I have NEVER left a review for a book but I cannot wait for the rest of this series!! I would love to know a time. The characters are amazing and I am rooting for Sally and Cooper!
Thanks so much Jerrianna. I answered you via email, but thought I would also answer you here, just in case my email gets lost in your junk mail.
How sweet of you to reach out to me and let me know you are enjoying the Cooper Moon series. It is 5 a.m. and I am hard at work on the last two books in the series. I hope to have both published before the end of the year. If you are on Facebook, you can follow “Cheryl Shireman Books” for updates to this series and my other novels as well.
I am so glad you are enjoying Cooper and Sally’s story. I have to admit – I’ve fallen in love with these characters and I love writing their story. Now, off of here and back to Timber Lake for me! I am right in the middle of writing a great scene near the end of book 3! 🙂