I am very happy to announce that the first book in my Cooper Moon series, Cooper Moon: The Calling is now available as a FREE ebook for Nook, Apple, and Kobo. The ebook is NOT yet free on Amazon and is currently priced at $3.99. The paperback is also available through Amazon. I am so excited to make this first book in the Cooper Moon series free to my wonderful readers !!!
The second book in the series, Cooper Moon: The Temptation is available as a paperback, and as an ebook for $3.99 on Amazon, Nook, Apple, and Kobo.
I enjoyed your first two Cooper Moon books, and am wondering when the third is coming out.
Thanks for your interest in my Cooper Moon series Kathleen. It has been such a fun series to write. I have to admit, I am in love with these characters! Books 3 and 4 will both be published at the same time, early next year – so stay tuned!
Be sure to sign up for the Cooper Moon 3 Alert and you will get an email as soon as the books are published. 🙂 Here is a link for the sign up – http://cherylshireman.com/cooper-moon-book-3-alert/