This entry today has nothing to do with books or writing or words of advice to Indie authors. It’s Mother’s Day and I am feeling mushy.
One of my babies is a state away, one is half an hour away, and one is on the other side of the world in Denmark. My gifts were jewelry, a card, flowers, and a dinner made just for me (later today). Yesterday, my husband and I spent the entire day with our two-year-old granddaughter. She spent the night. As I write this, I hear her gentle breathing in the baby monitor positioned atop the table close to where I sit.
To say that my children, and now my granddaughter, have filled my life with love and joy is an understatement. As children, they expanded my heart in ways I could never have imagined. For the first time in my life, I not only understood, but received unconditional love. As adults, they are three people that I know I can always count on. They will always be there for me. Just as I will always be there for them.
There used to be a tv show called Fantasy Island. People visited the island and lived out their fantasies – no matter how wild. Not too long ago, my husband and I had a discussion about that old tv show and asked each other – What would your fantasy be? Mine was easy. If I could spend any day in any way that I wanted, I would relive one day with my children. My son would be 10, which would make my daughters 4 and 2. We would spend the day doing whatever they wanted. Going to the park, going to the movies, playing games, baking cookies, or just sitting on the floor playing with Legos or Barbies. I would hug them a lot. And kiss the tops of their heads. And take tons of pictures.
I would watch my son show his younger sisters how to do things, like he always did in his older brother sort of way. I would watch my 2 year-old daughter follow her older sister 4 year-old sister around the room, shadowing her every move. Just as she did, even through college. I would watch the older sister taking care of her younger sister, as if she were her baby. Which is what she called her when she was born – my baby.
I would tuck them in that night, fresh from baths and smelling of shampoo. The girls smelling like baby lotion. My son would hug me goodnight with his long skinny arms and tell me he loves me. And I would feel the truth in that. I would tuck in my girls and tell them it is time to go to sleep. I would take extra care in covering the older girl’s feet, because she always kicked her blankets off during the night. I would kiss the baby and hold her a little longer, because I would know that, as I type this she is in Denmark which makes visiting tough.
And, as I walk down the hall and turn out the lights, I would call out to all of them, as I always did… “Goodnight. Love you. Sweet Dreams. See you in the morning.”
And that would be my fantasy day.
If you have children at home, cherish those simple every-day moments with them. They really will be gone in the blink of an eye – sooner than you can possibly imagine. Get off of your computer. Now. Go sit on the floor and play a game. Pop some popcorn, put on one of their favorite movies, and cuddle up on the couch. Live that “fantasy” right now. You will never be able to recapture these moments again. Enjoy them now. There is no greater gift than the love of your children. Spend your day letting it pour over you. And pour your love right back over them.
And now I hear my granddaughter waking up. I am shutting my computer off now. Her Daddy will be here soon to make me my Mother’s Day Dinner. Right now, I am going to go upstairs and scoop her up from her crib. She will probably wrap her little arms around my neck and ask, “Play blocks, Bomb Bomb?”
And we will play blocks.
Happy Mothers Day!
that is so sweet! i love you mom!!
That was the sweetest thing I have ever read. It brought tears to my eyes and makes me feel so excited about the times I will get to do all those things with my child/children. Thank you for writing that. It made my day even more special knowing how great it really is to be a mom!
Awesome memories, I am so glad you are cherishing them. Awesome advice too. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us. They are so profound!! Love ya.