New Book Covers for the Cooper Moon Series!
One of the most difficult things for a writer to do is to choose a book cover. A cover needs to capture the attention of a reader and convey the [More…]
One of the most difficult things for a writer to do is to choose a book cover. A cover needs to capture the attention of a reader and convey the [More…]
Do you feel it? The promise of a New Year? What is it about turning the page on the calendar that makes so many of us downright hopeful? What is [More…]
Well, it’s been a while since I’ve written a blog post. There are a few reasons for that absence. I haven’t been feeling the greatest. But I won’t bore you [More…]
I believe life whispers to you and provides direction. I call that life force God. You can call it whatever you want, but there is no escaping it. If we [More…]
Two more indie writers just signed with a major pubisher. Mark Edwards and Louise Voss, coauthors of and just announced that they signed a six-figure deal with Harper Collins. And [More…]
I’m a Christian. And before you get all creeped out and run, let me tell you that I am not trying to convert you. Your faith or lack thereof is [More…]
Since there seems to be quite a bit of interest in some of the interviews I have been doing about my experiences as an Indie writer, I decided to include [More…]
One of my primary reasons for starting this blog was to share my journey as an Indie writer with you. If you are an Indie writer, I hope you will [More…]
This is going to be a short entry. For, you see, it is very difficult to write (or even see) when you are alternately crying and laughing. For today, at [More…]
I remember when I was a relatively new mother. People often asked me if I planned on having another child. At the time, I was uncertain. I loved my newborn [More…]