I remember when I was a relatively new mother. People often asked me if I planned on having another child. At the time, I was uncertain. I loved my newborn son so much that I was actually afraid that I would never be able to love another child as deeply. I imagined the second child always feeling as if they were unloved. And when I decided to have that second child, many years later, it was still a concern. How could I possibly love another baby as much as my adorable first-born baby boy?
Those of you who are mothers already know how this story ends. My second child was born (a darling little girl) and, of course, I loved her just as much. Apparently the human heart has an endless supply of love.
My second novel, Broken Resolutions was just released yesterday. It is available through Kindle, Nook, and soon to be released in paperback through Amazon. In book terms, this is my second “baby.” Life is But a Dream
will always hold a special place in my heart, because it was my first. But now Broken Resolutions comes along and it has a gorgeous cover that I am in love with. If books could be identified as having a gender, this one would definitely be a girl. Imagine a little girl spinning in a hot pink dress. That is my new novel.
The second time around was a little easier. I knew what to expect. I knew what to do. I was less nervous. But every bit as excited. I should have the paperback version in my hands within a week – a new little bundle of joy to marvel over. A new piece of myself to kiss goodbye and then release into the world. Ah. They grow up so fast….
Cheryl Shireman is the bestselling author of several novels, including Broken Resolutions, the Life is But a Dream series, and the Cooper Moon series. She is also the author of ten books for toddlers including the eight Let’s Learn About series focusing on different animals and I Love You When: For Girls and I Love You When: For Boys.
Wow, you are on a role. I can’t wait to get this one in my hands. I am starting to lose cound. How many books have you written. What is “What’s your Story”, “You Don’t need a Prince”, Character Profile”, Heart Breathings? My head is spinning! I am so excited. You have renewed my love of reading. “Life is but a dream? is so good!
I AM on a roll! LOL Writer’s Gone Wild!